Accelerate Reading Acquisition
with Vertical Take-Off Reading
We are dyslexia therapists who needed better tools to keep up with the demand.
So, we made one.
Vertical Take-Off Reading App!
No teacher has time to listen to every child read. Our app is the solution with individualized instruction.
Accurate Data
The feedback from practice is detailed enough to make instructional decisions. You will know exactly what your students can read and where they struggle.
Improved Reading
Our platform flexes to any scope and sequence, and you will not waste time on skills that have already been mastered. This makes filling in the gaps easier, improving reading accuracy faster.
Perfect practice makes perfect.
Teachers of beginning readers will find value in individualized practice to accelerate the acquisition of accurate and fluent reading in students. Students who are difficult to teach, but not unable to learn, will learn to read with cutting edge technology to match reading practice to their needs with real time feedback.
Instruction driven by real time data.
Teachers will assign practice based on phoneme -grapheme associations taught. Students will use the VTO platform to read words, phrases, and sentences with only those phoneme -grapheme associations, adding to an individualized bank of known words. VTO will capture student reading recordings, analyze for correct and incorrect utterances, and report accuracy data to support teachers in planning the next decoding lesson.
VTO provides the exact practice opportunities. Not too hard, not too easy, and lifting kids to real reading faster!